I have always made things, my first works were sculpture, abstract ready made when I was fifteen. I had never heard of a ready made but by chance i was on a school visit to the Commonwealth Institute in London. In the foyer was  what looked like bits of metal randomly assembled. I asked my teacher what it was “sculpture” he said. 
Later I found out it was by Anthony Caro. What amazed me was that it was made from ordinary materials, things I recognised and I thought it was amazing. A few months later I was taken to the ICA and saw the work of Kienholtz. This was like a revelation. All of the small water colours, sketches, cartoons and poetry that I had been doing in secret made sense. I always knew I was different - I was an artist.

I divide my work into various random categories. I keep changing what I call them.

I think of my work generally in these terms:- the process as drawing the action as an intervention

Then this is subdivided into wall cuts where I subtract from the space in someway and then the add-ons, like the staple works, the hooks and dust works as additions.

At this moment I am beginning the process of cataloguing my work and so this category is at the moment very incomplete. But it is here as a sample of the kinds of things I have made that are attached to a wall, but not free standing.


Double-jointed 1988 Nickel plated scaffold joint


MACBA 1996 Barcelona

Coming Out

Globe Gallery and Buddle Art centre Newcastle 1998.


Cafe Gallery 1996


Eagle Gallery project in warehouse Clerkenwell 1998


Byam Shaw 2008